Saturday, June 23, 2007

Aubrey's Second Month, but first babysitters!

August came and had more firsts. Kelly and I got our first break when my aunt and uncle came to town and babysat Aubrey so we could go see the Twins play. I know, I know, not the most romantic first date night after the baby, but we had tickets and it got us out of the house. We were most proud of ourselves for not calling during the game to check on Uncle Jim and Aunt San. For Labor Day, we went to Milwaukee to meet more Hurdas and Barnetts. The car trip started out very slowly. Every 30 minutes we had to stop for food, bathroom, shopping and other breaks. After that it was smooth sailing, so a 6 hour trip became an 8 hour ordeal. It was the first time Great Grandma Florence (GG Ma) got to meet Aubrey. Same thing for my younger brother, Uncle Ryan. We had a nice open house and lots of more distant relatives came, including a cousin, Corwin Hurda. We had a great time and Aubrey was very tired by the end of the day.

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